juz now with my family chat suddenly think dao gekk xDD
haizz 2day nothing happen lorr~
just go '' gong yu'' clean lorr damn tired neh T^T
after bring my brother back
then i ask my brother me leng mou ?
he tell me : not leng
ah xuan ask he : me Qute mou ?
he say : not Qute , me & abi Qute only abi same Qute as me (=.= perasaan ....)
then me ask again me Qute mou
he say : not Qute only me , abi , daddy & kakak Qute only ...
me ask he reason
he tell me because me & jia xuen very busuk :((
aduii me ofcourz busuk larr me swept all the floor & mop the floor then wash the '' xi sou pen''
the '' xi sou pen'' hard to wash gek neh TT
if say busuk then abi , daddy & kakak is the most busuk lorr
me already '' wangi '' then them liao lorr
hate he larr 5555